Enfield started surgery

The Enfield started surgery at Webster Race Engineering back in April. By this point Jon Webster and I had discussed at length how I wanted the Flux Cap to sit, look and what would be required in order to make it as stable and strong as possible on the quarter mile. I didn’t want people to think I had simply lifted the body off and plonked it onto a custom race chassis. This was more about sympathetically modifying the original car and butchering as little as possible.

Before they could start carefully cutting up the ECC 8000, it had to be stripped naked. Well, partially naked. Luckily there’s not a lot to it and all of the mods would be taking place at the back end (behind the seats). Out came the original eleccy 8hp motor, drive coupling and spindly Reliant back axle. The original wiring for the lead acid batteries was never going to be re-used so that got introduced to the bin.

Once on the axle stands you can clearly see the square-section tubular chassis through the rear arches.  The first task was to start cutting away the chassis structure to allow space for the custom Ford 9-inch race axle and its respective mounting.   The existing box chassis could then be married with the axle housing and the all-important roll cage.



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